
  • Anatoly Prikhodko
  • Irina Khodos


idiodiscourse, cognitive-communicative paradigm, conceptual system, concept, conceptual system, hyperconcept, hypoconcept


The work is devoted to the integrated study of the cognitivecommunicative organization of Fitzgerald’s idiodiscourse within the cognitivecommunicative paradigm of knowledge. With this aim, the role and place of Fitzgerald’s idiodiscourse in the socioculture of the USA in the first half of the XX c. have been determined. In addition, its conceptual system has been modeled and communicative-functional understanding of its textual continuum has been offered.

The conceptual system of Fitzgerald’s idiodiscourse is outlined by macroconcepts LOST GENERATION, AMERICAN DREAM, ALIENATION and JAZZISM. They do not exist separately; on the contrary, they interact with each other as interdetermined constituents of the same causative chain. LOST GENERATION is the cause, which goes side by side with the aim – AMERICAN DREAM. The peculiarities of the latter resulted in ALIENATION of its representatives and appearance of JAZZISM.

The macroconcepts unfold by means of subordinate to them hyper-, hypoand (cata)concepts. Their textual realisation is based on the ramified system of lexical means (somatisms, chromatonyms and meronyms) and stylistic devices (metaphor, mataphtonymy, colour symbolism and simile). Together they create that peculiar to Fitzgerald’s idiodiscourse dual nature of its cognitive and axiological parameters, which reflects critical and/or dual attitude of the author to American socioculture in the first half of the XX c.


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