
  • Antonina Prokopenko
  • Valeria Rava


blogger, microblogging, gender, verbal behaviour, communicative strategies, differentiation, masculinity, femininity


The article introduces the results of the given research in the field of microblogging. It deals with the communicative strategies of English-speaking micro bloggers that are used in the interview. The linguistic aspects of verbal behaviour of English-speaking bloggers are analysed in detail. Namely, the main attention is focused on gender aspect of the using of communicative strategies. Some groups of bloggers, which are subdivided by sex, age and thematic orientation, were selected in order to fulfil this research. Designated groups of lexical units helped to characterize the tendency of their use among women and men-bloggers. The linguistic features of both bloggers’ sexes are revealed. The analysis is based on linguistic, linguistic-semiotic and linguistic-stylistic aspects.


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