
  • Tatiana Soroka


registry word, explanatory dictionary, axionomen, definition analysis, interpretation formulae, lexical semantics


The purpose of the article is to justify the role of explanatory dictionaries that form the empirical basis for investigating the lexical semantics of nouns denoting values. Special attention is paid to revealing the essence of dictionary articles in terms of their main characteristics as well as to establishing practical significance of definition analysis as a formalized foundation for Ukrainian, English and French axionomens research. The deployment of a dictionary article in most lexicographic resources of explanatory character is based on three main characteristics: dictionary definitions (the paradigmatic part of a dictionary article proper), illustrative material (its syntagmatic part) and the tagging system. The dictionary article is a complex of formal signs with a concretized structure from which it is impossible to remove or to which no part can be added so as not to change other parts and do not cause general rearrangement. Since the dictionary article acts as a tool of the lexical meaning interpretation of the register unit, its intersection with other distinctive formal signs allows to describe correlations between the lexical meanings in the language system by means of formalized method. Taking into account the informational amount of dictionary definitions will provide the further determining a seme as a component of lexical mening of specifically-chosen words denoting values. The prospect of research is to analyze language objectivization of Ukrainian, English and French cultural axiological categories presented with words denoting philosophical, world outlook, scientific, social, political, moral, religious, legal, aesthetic values.


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