
  • Miroslava Slivka
  • Natalia Slyvka


metaphor, equivalence, rendering, translator, metaphor translation


The article deals with the analysis of metaphor translation, taking into account different ways of their classifications and views of leading translation studies scholars on their rendering into different languages. This paper also examines stylistic value of metaphors in the literary text and concludes that stylistic equivalence is one of the most important issues in translation. The metaphor should correspond to the original grammatically, lexically, contextually and culturally. The study is based on the idea of possible applications of modern cognitive linguistics to the study of metaphors in the original text and its translation. The combination of cognitive and traditional methods of analysis of translational transformations opens up new prospects for the development of the theory and practice of translation. It can characterize more fully the general laws of the particular translation of the text and identify the individual characteristics of the works of individual translators. The metaphor can be translated either literally or via paraphrasing or using the substitution techniques. Moreover, the translator should have special skills and competences which will allow them to render the text in accordance with common rules, norms and principles. It is a key problem for metaphor translation as soon as the interpreter is obliged to connect unusual impression and emotional features of the source text to the perception of the reader of the target text. The most numerous category in Stephen King’s works is original metaphors. The evidence proves that, all metaphors were rendered without destruction of meaning, even if functions did not correspond in ST and TT, the meaning was conveyed fully and properly.


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