
  • Galina Onishchak


verbalization, conceptual and language world pictures, lexicosemantic group, the procedure of formalized lexical semantics’ analysis, qualitative and quantitative characteristics, lexical stock


The article deals with the problem of good verbalization in modern English. The differences between conceptual and language world pictures have been considered. The complex study of the lexico-semantic group «Good» as a fragment of English language world picture by means of the procedure of formalized lexical semantics’ analysis has given the possibility to single out its essential qualitative and quantitative characteristics, and structural semantic peculiarities. The lexico-semantic group of the nouns denoting good in modern English is of complex and multicomponential structure. Both the order and organization of the lexical stock under study are hierarchical. The latter is divided into the following groups: lexical units with the highest, middle, low degrees of polysemy and monosemantic words.

The analysis made has shown that the nouns denoting good occupy an important place within English lexical system and they are regarded as philosophical concepts of the world perception being an integral part of the humanity and human nature. Therefore, they make up the broadest and leading paradigm of valuable moral orientation, knowing no boundaries of time and space and making the formula of our thinking and world perception.


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