
  • Dmitry Drozdovsky


post-postmodernism, contemporary British novel, mind, autism, consciousness, body


In the paper, the discourse of mind as a factor in the postpostmodernistic British novel has been outlined. The specificity of thinking of the characters of novels, in which the main characters are endowed with a special resource of reason, which makes it possible to avoid social tensions, conflicts and see the world in the unity of biophysical and socio-psychological processes and phenomena, has been analyzed. It is proved that in British literary postpostmodernism, the re-actualization of the philosophical ideas of Hegel and John Locke plays an important role. It was investigated that the unique mental abilities of characters make it possible to perceive external reality in a monolithic way. The specificity of world perception of protagonists gives grounds to define the explication in contemporary British novelistic discourse of the philosophy of new humanism. The correlations between corporeality and minc in the postpostmodernistic novel of 2000-2010-s have been determined. In the paper, the philosophical parameters of thinking of characters of British post-postmodernistic novel have been spotlighted as ones that determine objectified and truthful from the point of view of historicity and sociality representing of reality and visualize a range of political, social and economic problems. In contemporary English novel, there is a critique of social institutions, discourse of power, political doctrines, etc. inherent in the traditions of realistic prose. In the paper, the author has investigated the specific representation of autistic thinking in contemporary postpostmodernistic novel. The novel “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night- Time” by M. Haddon is in the center of attention. In the post-postmodernistic novel, the construction of the world takes place in accordance with the concept of the psychic world as one that contains hidden spaces that can be actualized in situations of uncertainty, during strong shocks, etc. Christopher, the protagonist of M. Haddon’s novel, has a special way of thinking inherent in the strategy to objectify reality laying it out into basic causal elements. At the same time, the protagonist represents a special type of scientific mind seeking to learn the world in accordance with the concept of prime numbers and avoiding any form of emotionality. Originality of the research is connected with the revelation of the philosophical parameters of thinking of characters, which is objectified and truthful from the point of view of historicity and sociality in the aspect of representing reality, which visualizes a range of political, social and economic problems. In contemporary English novel, there is a critique of social institutions, discourse of power, political doctrines, etc. inherent in the traditions of realistic prose. In the paper, it has been analyzed the features of post-realism in contemporary novel of Great Britain tracing historical dynamics of realistic tendencies and emphasizing the specific features of the outlook of postpostmodernistic characters, who seek to avoid conflicts and injuries using a special type of world perception, which makes impossible the privilege of emotional over rational.


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