
  • Alexandra Kanyuk
  • Nadiya Kish


foreign language, functions of language, competences, foreign language professional competence, foreign language business communication, professional training


Among the tasks of the higher education system should be the formation of professional foreign language communication competence, which includes a set of foreign language knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of organization and participation in the processes of interaction in the business sphere, namely the establishment of business contacts with partners belonging to different cultures, forecasting and the direction of effective communication.

The main drawback of modern professional training of students, namely future professionals is the gap between theoretical knowledge and skills of their practical use, and as a result – the weak possession of skills of foreign language professional communication. The need to master the skills of foreign language professional communication is determined by social orders of society, associated with social and economic changes in intercultural professional interaction. Therefore, in the process of professional training of future specialists, it is necessary to define separate functions of a foreign language, the study of which substantially contributes to the enhancement of the culture of communication in general and the culture of professional business communication in particular. The article highlights the most important functions of the foreign language, namely, the communicative, educational, functions of the foreign language as a means of forming a professional orientation as sources of information and means of armament with the skills of business communication. Along with the communicative function, much attention is paid to the educational process, which is to ensure the general development of students, to broaden their outlook, to deepen knowledge about the surrounding world, about people speaking the given foreign language, their customs, mentality, peculiarities of national culture, etc. It is worth noting the contribution of the foreign language to the development of the culture of mental work of students through the development of such specific skills as the ability to use bilingual linguistic dictionaries, grammatical and other reference books, the monuments of rational learning of foreign words. Students learn to work independently; there is the formation of preconditions for the development of the need for further self-education.

As is generally known, the basis of the organization of production and public relations, the sphere of service provision, management lies in the ability to communicate, and this is the purpose of learning a foreign language. Classes in a foreign language become training courses for communication by means of communication, whereas communicative learning (namely, this should be in the process of studying a foreign language) involves the organization of the learning process as a model of the communication process.


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