
  • Olena Kuschnirtschuk


publicistic texts, the German language, language development tendencies


The objective of the article is to identify the role and significance of working with newspaper texts and their usage in the process of teaching students a foreign language. The article considers the work with modern topical German press as one of the most effective and important aspects in the process of professional competencies formation. Work with newspaper and magazine texts enables us to trace the most topical state of the language development on the up to date stage of its functioning, facilitates the understanding of the tendencies of its development, the importance of such forms of teaching, motivates the studying process, forms practical skills of language usage and correspondingly fosters the interest in studying the foreign language. At the same time the aspect of working with newspaper texts is one of the most accessible sources of understanding modern German language functioning which enhances mastering the language, all of its aspects and skills. Publicistic texts are of great significance in the process of linguocultural knowledge development, they foster broadening of the horizon and effective mastering of topical lexis of the German language.


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