Approaches to the classification of English idioms: thematic aspect
idiom, idiomacity, history of origin, classification of idioms, thematic classification, anthropocentric characterAbstract
The article identifies the need to systematize different approaches to the classification of idioms, which aims to improve the process of remembering and understanding the essence of idioms. An attempt to generalize different approaches to the classification of idioms expands the scope of standard learning of English, significantly expands the vocabulary and promotes the development of speech culture. The history of the origin of the term “idiom” has been clarified, and the sources of the origin of English idioms have been studied. Much of the oldest idioms were borrowed from the Bible and myths, as well as from Celtic, Latin, Scandinavian and other cultures. There are about 24,000 idioms in modern English. A high level of English proficiency requires knowledge and understanding of phraseology or idioms. Existing approaches to the classification of stable phrases have been also considered. The most common in the literature are the following ways of classifying idioms, in particular by meaning, by emotional saturation, by the parts of speech. There are also authentic idioms that arose in the process of historical development and those borrowed. According to the thematic orientation idioms are divided depending on the profession, the specificity of human activity. The article also analyzes the following classifications: depending on the size, the period and history of origin, the grammatical structure. In order to improve the level of English, it is appropriate to study and use idioms that characterize personal qualities, reflect the features of human life. In addition, the article suggests a thematic classification of idioms, according to which the most numerous are groups denoting emotions, work, character and preferences, money, success and entertainment. The selected thematic groups of idioms testify to the anthropocentric character of the analyzed language material
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