Linguistic and stylistic means of expressing the idiodystle of Marina Lewycka in the original and translation (based on the novel “A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian”)


  • Tetiana Marchuk Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • Kseniia Lysak Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University



idiostyle, individual style, stylistic means, artistic translation, reproduction of metaphor


The article explores the means of expressing the individual style of Maryna Lewycka in the original and translation on the basis of the novel
“A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian”. Following N. Bolotnova,
S. Yermolenko and V. Vinogradov, the concept of idiostyle, individual style and idiolect is analysed in the work; the interpretation of individual style as a complex but structurally combined and internally connected system of specific linguistic and stylistic means of verbal creative expression is taken as a basis. The article notes that when analyzing the author’s individual style from a communicative-cognitive point of view, the importance is not given to the author’s linguistic knowledge, but the way he transmits his worldview, in this regard, an important component of translation is the ability of the translator to relay the author’s opinion and convey the idea of what the hero said.
The novel “A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian” is full of metaphors, epithets, comparisons, irony and antithesis. When reproducing these stylistic means, the translator Oleksa Negrebetsky used different methods of their translation in order to achieve adequacy. Thus, metaphors were reproduced through a translation based on the same image, a translation based on another similar image, and a literal translation. Epithets were conveyed by means of equivalents, permutation transformations, lexical and grammatical substitutions and omissions to avoid a tautology. Comparisons were reproduced by means of equivalents, lexical substitutions, and grammatical substitutions. Permutation transformation and descriptive translation were also used.


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