Functional-semantic potential potential of syncretic complex sentences with contracted goals and conditions
syncretism, complex sentences, transitive constructions, transitive scale, core area, asymmetry, invariant meaning, semantic meaningAbstract
There are a number of scientific papers dealing with the study of syncretic and transitive nature of complex structures, namely complex sentences. But the scientists haven’t identified all types of syncretic sentences with invariant meanings, structural characteristics of these constructions with a detailed study of specific nature of connecting elements and key words that affect functioning of asymmetric sentences in the language. Thus, the article is devoted to the study of variability of relationship formation and syncretic character between the structural elements of complex sentences with semantic types of purpose and condition. Particular attention is paid to the question of functional-semantic potential of this complex structure and semantic-syntactic system taking into account fine semantic meanings. The conditions of differentiation of core area and syncretic periphery are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to relationship between typical and transitive syntactic units. It is established that syncretic constructions with invariant meaning of purpose and condition lose a certain set of differential features in syncretic peripheral structures and get additional semantic meanings under certain conditions. We have proved that replacement of some semantic meanings by others emphasizes changing nature of syncretic complex sentences with subordinate parts of transitive nature. This reflection of the feature allows you to modify semantic meanings of syntactic functions of complex sentences with relationship of purpose and condition thus giving the opportunities for synthesis of elements. It is noted that in complex sentences of syncretic nature functional relations between semantic meanings of these structural units are determined by entering dependent components the peripheral zones.
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