Formation of foreign competence in future economists at classes of foreign language for specific purposes


  • Anna Brutman Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic National University
  • Tetiana Naumchuk Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic National University



foreign competence, student of economic specialty, higher educational establishment, foreign language for specific purposes


Despite considerable scientific interest in professional training of specialists at higher educational establishments, formation of foreign language competence in students of economic specialities at classes of foreign language for specific purposes is not studied properly causing the relevance of this research. The purpose of the article is to define the features and conditions for the formation of professional competence in future economists at mastering foreign language for specific purposes. The object of research is the process of professional training of future economists. The subject of research is scientific and methodical principles of formation of foreign competence in future economists at classes of foreign language for specific purposes. The theoretical (analysis, generalization, systematization, comparison of different views on the problem, modelling) and empirical (observation) methods are used to achieve the purpose of the article. In the article, the international competence of future economists is defined as an integrative system-value and personal-professional quality based on special foreign knowledge and skills, valuable attitude towards future professional communicative activities in oral and written forms to a variety of general and professional (economic) topics. An important place in foreign-language training of future economists is the integration of methods in educational and professional activity (presentations, problematic training, business games, training exercises, case method). A significant role in mastering foreign language for specific purposes is for the interaction of forms in the educational process, which involves a traditional combination of professional and language training with innovative approaches to the organization of the educational process at higher educational establishments. The prospect for further research of foreign competence is the development of a model for the formation of foreign professional competence based on the use of blend learning at classes of foreign language for specific purposes.


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