Social networks as a modern tool of teaching foreign language


  • Roman Buzhykov Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University
  • Viktoriia Donii SE "Mykolayiv Branch of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts"



teaching foreign language, student, informative communicative technologies, social networks, means of teaching


The modern educational process involves the active use of information and communication technologies that contribute to create a productive educational environment between a student and a teacher. The subjects of the educational process have access to information support. They can quickly transfer and receive knowledge, to study in distance, use the latest information technologies fully. Electronic textbooks, video materials, online trainers, specialized training platforms, programs and applications and social networks are information and technological tools of a modern teacher of foreign language. The student as an active user of social networks can use these resources not only with entertainment purposes, but also to get knowledge of foreign language and communicative skills. The article deals with the concept of social networks in the context of the modern educational environment. The role and significance of social networks as an additional tool of training have been determined. The didactic characteristics of such social networks as Lang-8, MyLanguageExchange, Interpals, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok are defined. Attention is paid to opportunities and advantages of using social networks by the modern teacher. For example, the platform Lang-8 is focused on communicating in a text format, improving spelling punctuation and grammar. Services MyLanguageExchange, INTERPALS are effective tools for the development of spoken language. The virtual educational space of YouTube is able to practice grammatical skills, renew the vocabulary, improve pronunciation and broaden horizons. Unique language environment can be created in the popular Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok networks with original tasks. It can motivate students to study a foreign language. It has been established that the use of social networks is an effective tool for teaching a foreign language.


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