Blended learning: about the issue of foreign language learning at higher educational establishmants
blend learning, foreign language, student, higher educational establishmentAbstract
Today the policy of higher educational establishments is aimed at forming the personality of the future specialist with the necessary set of key competencies, where the special place belongs to foreign languages. The process of learning a foreign language according to a blend learning model meets student’s requests, gives new opportunities for studying foreign languages at a convenient time and any place. Despite the intensified interest in blend learning by foreign and domestic scientists, the issue of learning a foreign language using blend training at higher educational establishments effectively remains sufficiently elaborated, which determines the relevance of work. The purpose of the article is to determine the role, the main advantages and disadvantages of blend learning a foreign language at higher educational establishments. To achieve the goal, a descriptive method with techniques of contextual analysis, with elements of observation, classification, generalization and interpretation was used. Today, blend learning extends the educational capabilities for students through accessibility and flexibility, taking into account their individual educational needs, stimulates the formation of a student’s subject position, transforms a teacher’s style, and personalizes the educational process. Among the disadvantages are technical, organizational problems, as well as problems related to educational design. Options for the implementation of blend learning a foreign language at educational establishments are rotation model, flex model, self-blend model and enriched virtual model. Blend learning allows the student to be an active participant in the educational process; to build an individual educational trajectory, based on their own needs, as well as to increase the efficiency of the training process in studying languages as a whole. The prospect of further research is to study the technologies in organizing blend learning a foreign language at higher educational establishments.
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