Using video materials at lessons “Foreign Language for Specific Purposes” to develop skills of professionally oriented discussion
professionally-oriented discussion, video material, student, Foreign Language for Specific PurposesAbstract
One of the main tasks at the lessons “Foreign language on Specific Purposes” (“FLSP”) is to develop the skills of professionally-oriented discussion because it is impossible to imagine a competitive specialist without proper knowledge of foreign languages in any field. Many scientists studied problems of training professionally-oriented discussion and the use of video at English lessons, but the issue of the role of video materials at classes “FLSP” to develop skills of professionally-oriented discussion remains insufficiently investigated. The purpose of the article is to consider the interactive method of using video materials at lessons “FLSP” as an instrument that promotes the skills of professionally-oriented discussion at future specialists. The descriptive method with observation elements, generalization and interpretation is the instrument to describe theoretical material concerning the problem under study. Professionally-oriented discussion is a collective discussion of any complex issue characterized by the flexibility of argumentation means and the choice multiplicity. The use of video material at lessons promotes develop skills of such discussion effectively because video materials make students understand the actual information and language features in a particular context better. Professionally-oriented discussion based on video view includes 4 main stages: preparatory (selection of video material, which corresponds to the level of students’ knowledge and purpose of lessons), pre-discussion (problem description to students), actual discussion and final stage (analysis of the discussion). The discussion method encourages students to find an independent solution to the problems discussed, forms a culture of creative thinking, which makes it possible to prepare highly skilled professionals. Further research is in a selection of various exercises for reviewing video materials to improve the skills of professionally-oriented discussion.
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