Digital narratives in the methodological training of future foreign language teachers
digital narrative, foreign language, methodological training of future foreign language teachers, methodology, component, key competenciesAbstract
Training future teachers of a foreign language is getting more and more importance in modern conditions of intercultural interaction and integration of foreign language knowledge in all spheres of human activity It is the foreign language teacher who mediates the system of linguistic knowledge and cultural peculiarities of L2 country. In this regard, a modern foreign language teacher should combine deep fundamental knowledge, developed language and speech skills, professional competence and a high level of methodological expertise. It calls for the search for new approaches to teaching foreign languages in the process of methodological training of future foreign language teachers, one of which is narrative-digital. Digital narrative is interpreted as a kind of narrative presented as a media product that combines traditional static information with dynamic. Having analyzed scientific pedagogical and methodological reference literature, we substantiated the methodology for creating digital narratives consisting of five interrelated components in the framework of training future foreign language teachers. The motivational component ensures the formation of future foreign language teachers’ values-based attitude to the use of digital narratives in their future professional and pedagogical activities. The content component involves the availability of information content on digital narratives, their types, methods of their creation. Activity-technological component contains a set of skills necessary for the creation and use of digital narrative in future professional and pedagogical activities. Praxiological-creative concerns the gradual preparation of a digital narrative. Evaluative-reflective contains criteria for evaluating the digital narratives created.
The study does not cover all aspects of the problem, but stresses the need for its further development in such promising areas as conducting a pedagogical experiment on the effectiveness of the methodology for creating digital narratives in the context of methodological training of future foreign language teachers.
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