Project method as a means of individualization of foreign language learning (on the example of Modern Greek and its dialects)
project method, individualization of education, interdisciplinary activity, multicultural society, foreign language teaching, Modern Greek languageAbstract
In the globalized environment of knowledge-based society, competence and skill development acquires great importance to linking education with the labor market. For this reason, the curricula of many countries are reformed, innovative teaching and learning approaches are implemented, and communication in foreign languages is promoted. In this context, the article attempts to look into project implementation at students and teachers motivation and attitudes toward it, as well as project contribution to foreign language teaching and skill development. Literature review focuses on language education policy in the Greek and European context, project-related learning and teaching approaches, project implementation in the digital era. The present article deals with the method of projects as one of the means of individualization of teaching foreign languages on the example of Modern Greek as a foreign language and its dialects. The author emphasizes that the project method demonstrates a certain set of educational and cognitive techniques that allow to solve a problem as a result of independent actions of students with the mandatory presentation of these results. The article emphasizes the method of projects as a modern pedagogical technology that provides a set of research, search, problem-solving methods, creative in nature. Special attention was paid to the experience of modern educators in Greece and Cyprus on the application of the project method in teaching / learning a foreign language on the example of Modern Greek and its dialects. The research raises concerns, provides guidance for project implementation and opens horizons for further research.
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