Tо the issues of technical instructions adequate translation
explication, reduction, expansion, loan translation, descriptive analysis, emphaticsAbstract
The article outlines some of the paramount issues on accuracy of technical instructions translation. Realities in the field of computer technologies have been assimilated by representatives of different linguistic backgrounds alon with its rapid development. The study was based on English texts belonging to the scientific and technical style of the English language. On translating technical instructions, a central concern should be given to the communicative value and inner nature of the text ensured by a certain set of lexical items that touch upon certain associative chains. The main focus in translation should be on the pragmatic aspect of the lexical units and grammatical structure of the instructions. When translating terms from English into Ukrainian, the most efficient way is to use loan translation. Then come the techniques of explication and descriptive translation. It has been noted that reduction occasionally happens. Neither professionalisms nor jargons have been found during the linguistic analysis of the technical instructions. At the syntactic level the result characterizes the widespread use of complete sentences in English instructions with their full correspondence in Ukrainian. Yet rare replacement of complete sentences with incomplete ones occurs. When translating modal verbs as well as imperatives used in technical instructions, translators find it necessary to opt for loan translation. Evaluation markers in English are always rendered with their corresponding analogues in Ukrainian. The passive constructions of the English instructions generally convey their meanings and forms in the translated texts. Some singular cases indicate that active structures turn into passive ones and vice versa. Most of the identified means of formal cohesion in English are translated by their corresponding Ukrainian equivalents.
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