Modes of cohesion and coherence in multimodal fictional prose texts
cohesion, coherence, English multimodal literary fairy tale, multimodal fictional (prose) text, verbal component, nonverbal component, GeM modelAbstract
The development of multimodal communication has sparked the interest of modern linguists in the traditional text-oriented categories of cohesion and coherence, which require new interpretation. Both text-making categories reflect the links between verbal and nonverbal components of modern fictional prose texts. Language represents the perfect and meticulously crafted set of relationships between all semiotic systems. Cohesive and coherent links constitute a set of linguistic relations in non-linguistic semiotic systems. Different multimodal modes of various semiotic systems can provide diverse paths for identifying cohesion and coherence in modern fictional prose texts. The model of connection between multimodal modes of cohesion and coherence of different semiotic systems is applied simultaneously in the communication between addresser and addressee on the pages of modern fictional prose texts [351, p. 9–10]. In the field of view of this study: a) the contiguity of verbal and nonverbal components in the system of modes of cohesion and coherence in fictional prose texts of English multimodal literary fairy tales; b) the similarity and difference of the ways of identifying multimodal modes of cohesion and coherence; c) the degree of correlation between the modes of cohesion and coherence of different semiotic systems. The types of cohesive modes in English multimodal literary fairy tales that intersect have common features. They are expressed formally, have a linear character, and usually correlate with linguistic units. Cohesion is actualized by the set of modes. Its types of modes are mutually complementary and create a network of connections.
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