Idioms denoting derogatory attitudes toward a person in the English mass media
idiom, attitude to a person, derogatory attitude, media languageAbstract
Idiomatic expressions do not only embody popular wisdom and timeless truths but also play a significant role in the realm of mass media. These expressions, often learned during childhood, equip speakers with the ability to effortlessly convey their thoughts in a concise and accessible manner. The use of idiomatic expressions in mass media not only contributes to linguistic economy by replacing lengthy explanations with a single phrase but also enhances the vividness and imagery of language communication. In the English mass media, idioms are frequently employed to express attitudes toward individuals in various ways. Some idioms express a derogatory attitude towards a group of people. For example, certain idioms target specific groups, portraying them in a negative light. These idioms can convey a sense of disdain, superiority, or dismissiveness towards the targeted individuals. Another way idioms denote derogatory attitudes is through the use of negative connotations associated with certain professions, beliefs, or social groups. Such idioms may suggest hidden agendas, secretive behavior, or manipulation by individuals belonging to these groups. These idioms are used to convey scepticism, criticism, or mistrust towards the targeted individuals. Idioms can also carry negative evaluations based on factors such as gender, age, race, or social status. Some idioms use derogatory language or comparisons to belittle or mock individuals based on these attributes. Invoking such idioms, speakers or writers express negative opinions or prejudices towards the targeted individuals. It is worth noting that idioms denoting negative attitudes towards males are relatively scarce compared to those targeting females. However, when negative idioms targeting males are used, they often reinforce traditional gender stereotypes and associate femininity with weakness or inferiority. These idioms perpetuate gender-based discrimination and may be considered offensive. Thus, idioms in the mass media serve as an instrument for expressing negative attitudes towards individuals or groups. They allow for concise and impactful communication, conveying disdain, scepticism, criticism, or prejudice. However, it is important to be mindful of the implications and potential harm caused by the use of such idioms, particularly those perpetuating stereotypes or discriminating against certain genders or social groups.
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