Linguistic abuse in German-language political media text


  • Iryna Piankovska



political media text, language influence, language abuse, political vocabulary, lexical and stylistic means, media ecology


The article analyses the ways of language abuse in the mass media on the example of media texts of German-language online publications. The research is interdisciplinary and based on the principles of political linguistics, media linguistics, stylistic semantics and media ecology. In the study the observation method, descriptive method, continuous sampling method, functional approach, semantic-stylistic and contextual analysis were used. It is noted that the persuasive function is one of the main ones in the use of political language in the media and aims to influence the construction and dissemination of ideologies and the formation of worldview. Political vocabulary is one of the most effective means of linguistic influence, and the authors of media messages are responsible for the public use of language. Language abuse is a common phenomenon in the German-speaking media space. This is confirmed by the analysis of empirical material from German-language media texts, based on H. Pöttker's typology of language abuse in the media: widespread use of superlatives and exaggerated expressions; use of certain lexical means to conceptually conceal inadequacy and responsibility for the content of the message; euphemistic choice of words to smooth out the real situation and conceal negative consequences; stereotypical and patterned public speech through the repeated use of the same words; «inhumane Akkusativ» - the systematic use of verbs with the prefix be-, such as behandeln. The analysed methods of language abuse are examples of negative and disintegrating effects on readers that contradict the principles of media ethics and media ecology. A critical analysis of language abuse in the media will help to optimise linguistic means of influence and regulate media ecological communication.


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