Metaphorical verb composites in modern English




word formation, composite, verb composite, complex wordmetaphor, semantics, stylistic potential


The proposed study highlights the peculiarities of the functioning of metaphorically motivated verb composites in the modern English language. The urgency of studying the problems of word formation is due to the need to expand and strengthen the theoretical and practical base for further research into the functioning of complex and compound lexical units, the description of the stylistic differentiation of metaphorical verbal composite components. The purpose of the research is to determine the semantics of metaphorical verb composites, to reveal their stylistic potential and communicative relevance. In this regard, consideration of the formation of verb composites features becomes particularly topical as well as the definition of metaphorical verb composites’ semantics and identificatiob of the stylistic potential of structurally complex verbal nouns and their communicative relevance. Within the scope of research, composite lexemes are considered from the standpoint of functionally oriented compositology through the prism of systemic structural-semantic and stylistic aspects, which provide for their wide use in present-day language. It was found that as a means of indirect language nomination, composite metaphors achieve a high connotative effect and productivity not only in the usual speech style of casual communication, but also in the newspaper and journalistic style. It has been demonstrated that composite verbs are widespread not only in the usual language style, but also in the language of the English-language press, in scientific and technical literature as well as in fiction. The conclusion was made that an adequate understanding of composites is draws on the high sociopragmatic potential and informational value of structural-syllabic verb lexemes in the word-formation system of the present-day English language.


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