The problem of forming a linguistic personality in the context of European cross cultural communication




linguistic personality, speech personality, communicative personality, student personality, cross-cultural communication, cross-cultural communicative orientation, cross-cultural communicative competence


The purpose of the article is to analyze the problem of linguistic personality as an interdisciplinary object of research and to consider the personality-oriented approach as the most perspective one in the process of organizing cross-cultural communication. The whole set of “personal” phenomena, systemically correlated with language and speech has been brought in into the system according to which a) a person who speaks is regarded as an individual whose one of the types of activity is a speech activity (including both the process of speech generation and the process of perception of speech works); b) a linguistic personality is a person who manifests oneself in the speech activity and possesses a certain set of knowledge and ideas; c) a speech personality is a person who realizes oneself in communication, chooses a particular strategy and tactics of communication, as well as a particular repertoire of means (both linguistic and extra-linguistic ones); d) a communicative personality is a specific participant in a specific communicative act, actually acting in real communication. Theoretical readiness for cross-cultural communication is the ability to understand and produce a large number of linguistically and culturally correct monological and dialogical utterances with the help of consciously acquired language signs, the rules of their connection with the cultural, speech and ethnic characteristics of the country of the language being studied. The important component of cross-cultural communication is practical readiness including cross-cultural communicative orientation and cross-cultural communicative competence. The cross-cultural communicative orientation is a system of motives, beliefs, and the basis of the value orientation of a student personality in foreign socio-cultural communicative behaviour. The cross-cultural communicative competence includes a set of knowledge, behavioural skills, mental, personal qualities acquired in the process of mastering the system of cultural values associated with linguistic, pragmatic and cultural competence and regulating the process of tolerant communication.


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