Neologisms of the modern English language: linguistic status and classification parameters




neologism, semantic innovation, word formation, transnomination, transliteration (transcription), descriptive translation


The rapid development of the latest technologies in the modern world and, as a result, the emergence of new opportunities for human life, ensures the constant enrichment of the language with new lexical units, and the need for their research determined the creation and development of a separate branch of linguistic science, neology. Research in the field of neology covers the interpretation of the very concept of neologism, the process of the emergence of new words, as well as the changes that modern vocabulary brings to the development of the language. In order to investigate all aspects of the emergence and functioning of neologisms, approaches to the study of this phenomenon were formed, which are analyzed in detail in this article. In particular, in modern English neology, it is suggested to single out two main areas of neologism research: the study of the specifics of updating the vocabulary of the language and the identification and study of issues related to the lexicography of neologisms. Therefore, the purpose of this study is a detailed analysis of the key problems of neology, such as identifying methods of nomination, defining the concept of "neologism", summarizing different approaches to the classification of neological vocabulary, etc. In order to achieve the goal, the tasks of this study are defined as the study of those techniques that are typical in the translation of neologisms, in particular, transliteration (transcription), tracing, descriptive translation, as well as establishing a connection between the way a neologism is formed and its translation. The classification of neologisms is analyzed according to the form of the linguistic unit, origin, purpose, nature of the interaction of the plan of expression and content, degree of gradation of novelty, sphere of use, stylistic coloring. In particular, it was established that according to the form of the linguistic unit, neologisms are divided into separate words, components of nouns, and new stable combinations, according to their origin they are divided into words belonging to the proper English vocabulary and borrowed words, according to the method of nomination neologisms are divided into phonological, borrowing, semantic and syntactic, with respect to the purpose, four groups are distinguished, in particular, (1) neologisms-nominations of new concepts and realities that did not exist before in the socio-cultural experience of the people, (2) which already existed in the socio-cultural experience of the people and did not have one or the reasons for their name were not existed, (3) those that do not exist in real life, but are predicted, possible in fantasies, with the further development of science and technology and, finally, (4) neologisms-synonyms, complete or ideographic, which are identical in meaning and stylistic coloring of words already present in the English language. Further, according to the nature of the interaction between the plan of expression and the content, neologisms can be divided into neologisms, transnominations and semantic innovations, according to the degree of gradation of novelty there are strong and weak neologisms, as well as neologisms of the transitional type, which combine the signs of strong and weak innovations. It is shown that neologisms are mostly inter-stylistic lexical units in the field of use, and neologisms are mostly stylistically neutral in terms of stylistic peculiarity. The results of the study allow us to conclude that the variety of classification parameters of neologisms in the American version of the modern English language testifies to quite powerful potential resources of neonomination, and also confirms their peripheral status in the language system, which provides the possibility of their movement within the language system.


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