The motivе of initiation in v.M. Hugo’s novel “les misérables”
main character, storyline, initiation, transformation, rebirth, epic novelAbstract
Initiation (from Medieval Latin initiatus, from Latin initium, adjective from initiare – “to begin”) means the beginning, the initial stage of something. In primitive societies, this is a rite, the essence of which is the transfer of representatives of the younger generation to adult age groups. We are trying to substantiate the presence of this phenomenon in the storylines of the heroes of the work of art, tracking the process of the character’s transition from one life stage to another, when the hero faces trials that help him realize his place in the world and find new knowledge and skills. The article is about the work of the outstanding French romantic writer of the 19th century, Victor Marie Hugo. The subject of analysis is the epic novel “Les Misérables”. In our previous researches that touched on the problem of initiation in this novel, attention was focused on the main character – Jean Valjean [5]. It is him who overcomes considerable trials, hardens his character, changes in views, justification of actions, and a transition to a new level of hero development is observed. However, such a meticulous look at Valjean’s story gave us reason to believe that in the novel several other characters were subjected to similar changes, namely Cosette, Fantine, Javert, who overcome life’s troubles, change under the influence of life circumstances for the better. If Jean Valjean from a man rejected by society turns under the influence of the highly moral Bishop Myriel into someone who sacrifices himself for the sake of others, saves the lives of several heroes, upholds the canons of justice, then his persecutor, inspector Javert, goes through the stage of “awakening“ when he realizes the nobility of Valjean’s soul. And for him, Valjean becomes a kind of “virtuous Myriel“. The same example of good upbringing is shown in the storylines of Fantine and Cosette. Any initiation involves a symbolic rebirth, the previous “I” dies/gets rid of it, and a new person with new qualities appears. The process of changing characters, views, and life positions, which become the cause of the change of the hero/heroes for the better, allows us to consider the motive for the initiation of certain characters.
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(електронну версію збірника тез конференції “Philological sciences and translation studies: European potential” розміщено за посиланням: )
Mario Vargas Llosa. The temptation of the Impossible: Victor Hugo and “Les Misérables”. Translated by John King. Princeton University Press, 2007. 196 p. URL: (дата звернення: 11.04.2023).
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Victor Hugo on Things That Matter. Ed. by Marva A. Barnett. Yale University Press, 2010. 491 p.URL: (дата звернення: 11.04.2023).