Artificial intelligence and “Foreign language for specific purposes” classes in higher education institutions
artificial intelligence, adaptability, individuality, “Foreign language for specific purposes” classes, student, institution of higher educationAbstract
The global influence of artificial intelligence implies a change in approaches from the restructuring of the social order in a broad sense to the processes of learning and management in education in a narrow sense. Therefore, there is no choice but to accept artificial intelligence as a necessity and effectiveness of improving educational processes both at the classroom and system levels. The purpose of the article is to determine the role and significance of the AI use in learning a foreign language in “Foreign language for specific purposes” classes (FLSP) in higher education institutions. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of intelligent machines to perform tasks accurately and efficiently. AI is a complex mixture of computer science, mathematics and other sciences that helps machines reproduce human cognitive abilities. AI in education involves adaptive, personalized, interval learning and automated assessment. The main AI functions in FLSP classes are independent assessment of student achievements, learning assistance, global learning, and individual approach. Positive AI aspects in FLSP classes are adaptation to students’ strengths and weaknesses, appropriate support based on results, adaptive learning at the initial level, prevention of shyness, and continuous practice in a convenient mode. However, excessive use of AI can also cause negative consequences, such as a decrease in students’ cognitive abilities; complete dependence of mood on failures and successes in the AI operation; loss of real connections between participants of the educational process; reduction of the teacher’s role; deterioration of health; loss of personal data. The use of AI is an integral part of the educational process. AI, as an effective addition to FLSP classes, can enrich the process of learning a foreign language, and also provides adaptability, personalization and satisfies the desire for globalized learning.
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