Intercultural Approaches in Language Teaching


  • Iryna Dzhividinska



education, culture, cultural approach, intercultural communication


The intercultural approach in language teaching is aimed at developing students' understanding and appreciation of different cultures, their ability to communicate effectively across cultural barriers. This approach recognizes that language and culture are closely related and that students need to develop not only linguistic competence but also intercultural competence. An intercultural approach in language teaching includes a number of actions and strategies. Cultural immersion: engaging students in authentic cultural experiences, such as visiting cultural sites, participating in cultural events, or interacting with native speakers. Intercultural communication is becoming increasingly important in our globalized world. This article explores the principles of questioning, listening, and empathy as essential skills for successful intercultural communication. It suggests various activities that language teachers can use to promote these skills, such as reading literature, watching films, and participating in cultural exchange programs. By incorporating intercultural approaches into language teaching, educators can help prepare their students for a diverse and interconnected world. This article discusses the importance of intercultural approaches in language teaching. It highlights the need for learners to question their own assumptions and biases, and to develop the skills of active listening and empathy. The article suggests various activities that can help learners understand and appreciate different cultures, including watching videos, participating in role-playing activities, and engaging in cultural exchange programs. Overall, the article emphasizes the importance of preparing learners for a globalized world where intercultural communication is essential.


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