Remote monitoring of English legal terminology proficiency among students: approaches and methodologies
distance education, modern methods of testing knowledge, specialized English, legal terms, jurisprudence, modern education in UkraineAbstract
The article reveals the essence of approaches and methodology to remote monitoring of English legal terminology proficiency among students. The place of jurisprudence in modern society is clarified. The phenomenon of «legal terminology» and «English legal terminology» is analyzed. The main features of legal terminology have been studied. The classification of terms in the legal sphere is considered. The importance of knowledge of English legal terminology for future specialists is proved. The process of formation of English legal terminology is clarified. The classification of English legal words is described, namely: simple, complex, derivatives and terms of the phrase. The role of the teacher in distance learning has been clarified. The essence of the subject of distance learning and its features are disclosed. The differences between distance learning and traditional are analyzed. The phenomenon of «knowledge level control» is analyzed. The main types of control: zero, current and final. The basic, Ukrainian and European, systems of assessment of knowledge are defined. The concept of remote control of knowledge is analyzed. The basic approaches to distance assessment of knowledge in legal science are described. The importance of using control of the level of assimilation of English legal terminology in modern distance learning has been clarified. The main methods of controlling the level of knowledge are considered. The possibilities of the latest educational online platforms in distance learning, in particular in assessing the level of knowledge of students, are described. The essence of such online platforms as Moodle, Online test pad, Zoom and many others is revealed. An analysis of such a method of remote control as online testing has been carried out. The international online project TOLES is analyzed. Methods of remote assessment of knowledge are considered in detail: independent tasks, control work, exam, test, educational practice, etc. The importance of knowledge of English legal terminology in the life of modern society is proved.
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