Cultural approach to the translators training




cultural approach, professional competence, foreign language socio-cultural competence, translator


The relevance of the article is due to the need for new approaches to foreign languages teaching and translators training. A characteristic feature of modern social development is globalization. Cultural globalization contributes to the expansion of intercultural communication. Intercultural cooperation should promote mutual understanding between peoples by creating conditions for trust, dialogue and peace. Globalization of knowledge is impossible without translation. It is translation that makes it possible to transmit knowledge from one culture to another. The role of the translator in this process is extremely important. The modern process of interaction of world systems can be carried out thanks to the communication of multilingual representatives through the mediation of translators. Various communication goals lead to the intensification of contacts. Accordingly, the boundaries of communication between representatives of different cultures are expanding. In the process of globalization, the requirements for the profession of the translator have changed. The field of translation has become part of the system of international relations. The social role of the translator within globalization and European integration is changing, which indicates the need to modernize approaches to the professional training of translators. The cultural approach to the study of foreign languages and translators trainingin in the field of international relations served as the research material. The research methodology consists in the complex application of various methods: theoretical, empirical, statistical and modelling methods. A prerequisite for the training of translators is the formation of the translator's multicultural competence as a component of the professional competence, which combines professional knowledge and skills, a system of value orientations, the ability to effectively use the acquired knowledge and to acquire new, solve cognitive problems, etc. Therefore, in order for students to acquire knowledge about culture, the realities of life in foreign-speaking countries, and the formation of socio-cultural awareness, it is necessary to apply a cultural approach to the training of specialists in order to create an intellectual base for their professional activities. In our opinion, the use of country studies knowledge is of great importance when learning a foreign language. In order to master a foreign language, it is necessary to study the culture of the people who speak the language. Our research showed that the cultural approach to learning a foreign language contributes to the formation of foreign language socio-cultural competence. Prospects for further research consist in a more detailed study of the problem of translators training, in search of effective ways to increase the translation competence of future specialists.


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