Mother Tongue Interference on Students’ Acquiring English Pronunciation
mother tongue interference, pronunciation, pronunciation acquisition, Ukrainian-speaking students, English as a foreign languageAbstract
This study examines the challenges faced by Ukrainian students in acquiring accurate English pronunciation, particularly in relation to mother tongue interference. Language learners often struggle with pronunciation, and the issue is compounded by the presence of phonetic differences between the mother tongue and the target language. The aim of this article is to investigate the extent of this interference on Ukrainian students’ English pronunciation acquisition. A mixed-methods research approach was used, involving a questionnaire survey, an interview, and a pronunciation test. The participants were 43 Ukrainian students enrolled in an English language program. The results of the investigation show that mother tongue interference is a significant factor in Ukrainian students’ English pronunciation acquisition. Specifically, the interference affects the production of certain English sounds, such as /ð/ and /θ/, which are not present in the Ukrainian language. The findings suggest that English language teachers need to be aware of the impact of mother tongue interference on pronunciation acquisition and develop appropriate strategies to address it. Teachers should provide explicit instruction on the production of challenging English sounds and encourage students to use corrective feedback. Furthermore, exposure to authentic English input, such as audio and video resources, can facilitate the acquisition of accurate English pronunciation. Thus, this study sheds light on the challenges faced by Ukrainian students in acquiring accurate English pronunciation. The findings indicate that mother tongue interference is a significant factor in pronunciation acquisition, particularly in the production of specific English sounds. The analysis provides useful insights for English language teachers in addressing these issues and improving their students’ pronunciation skills.
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