Psychological and pedagogical conditions of learning foreign languages in the system of non-formal education
informal education, foreign language, self-education and selfdevelopment, motivation, psychological and pedagogical conditions, educational spaceAbstract
The article emphasizes the actualization of the role of foreign languages in modern society, which causes the need to improve the approaches and methods of teaching students, as well as to optimize the psychological and pedagogical conditions for obtaining new knowledge. It is determined that today the traditional mechanisms of organizing the educational process are being replaced by more progressive, modernized approaches adapted to dynamic changes and, in particular, global uncertainty. The development and simultaneous transformation of the educational environment is taking place, and the growth of students' interest in learning foreign languages only supports this trend. The factors that contribute to the formation of non-formal education in Ukraine are identified, the importance of optimal psychological and pedagogical conditions for the organization of non-formal education which clearly correspond to the motives and aspirations of students, are flexible and adaptable to the current educational space is emphasized. In the course of the study, the essence of psychological and pedagogical conditions of learning in the system of non-formal education was determined; the peculiarities of studying a foreign language with the use of non-formal approaches and technologies, as well as the role of psychological and pedagogical conditions as a factor affecting the student's achievement of the desired results were studied. The experience of foreign language training using audiovisual translation as a modern digital language learning technology is described. Based on the obtained generalizations, the prospects of using non-formal methods in foreign language learning, as well as the growing importance of psychological and pedagogical conditions in the context of foreign language learning were outlined. Currently, the main goal of a foreign language course in university is determined by teaching it as a means of intercultural communication in the field of professional activity. The modern credit-module system of higher education assumes that a significant part of the study time is allocated to independent work of students. The tendency to increase the amount of time devoted to independent mastering of educational and professional programmes, the concepts of continuous education and lifelong learning are oriented towards the student as an active subject of their own knowledge acquisition process.
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