Interactive methods of distance learning for students in medical specialties during English language classes




interactive teaching methods, English language, distance learning technologies, digital learning tools, medical students


Modern society needs to update the educational process and introduce the latest technologies, approaches and teaching methods for the formation and development of personality. This publication discusses the use of a number of the most significant interactive methods of distance learning for students of medical specialties with a focus on learning English. The materials of the article emphasize the importance of such interactive methods in the process of learning a foreign language as: «brain storm», «project», «discussion», «simulation», «case study». The essence of interactive learning and its practical value, which consists in the active interaction of all participants in the educational process, teamwork, ability to express one’s point of view, and work with various resources have been determined. The ways of effective use of interactive approaches in the formation of communicative competence of medical students during English classes are outlined. The emphasis is placed on the necessity of using audio and video materials, podcasts, web conferences, specialized educational platforms, 3D images, and anatomical dictionaries for learning «a spoken» foreign language. It is noted that interactive methods of distance learning are becoming increasingly relevant for improving the quality of obtaining medical education and professional development of medical students. They are a valuable resource in English language classes. They allow creating a stimulating environment where students can actively engage with the material and each other, practice communication skills, learn new vocabulary and enhance knowledge in medical terminology. Interactivity helps increase students’ motivation and interest in the learning process, and also forms skills that they will be able to successfully apply in their future medical practice.


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