Integrated approach to teaching English language skills in university classroom




integrated approach, foreign language, language skills, visualisation, students, nonlinguistic university


The article analyses the content and advisability of using the integrated approach at English language classes. The implementation of the integrated approach in a foreign language teaching is justified by the strong interaction of the main types of language skills in real communication, as well as the similarity of their functions and forms. The integrated approach makes it possible to combine all professionally relevant language skills into a single one and contributes to the successful foreign language teaching at a nonlinguistic university. The basic principles of teaching different types of language skills, namely listening, reading, speaking and writing are considered in the process of practical application of the integrated approach, taking into account their common and distinctive characteristics. It is noted that practical training of students in speech and communication activities through the interconnected formation of productive and receptive foreign language skills, as well as the simultaneous use of traditional and distance learning tools will help students not only master the language they learn, but also be able to use it in real life communication. According to the integrated approach, each type of language skill serves both as a learning goal and as a means of forming other types of language skills. It is emphasised that in order to effectively use the integrated approach to the development of language skills, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the generation of students we teach. Visualisation is the shortest way to thinking of a modern student, so the use of visual support maps is the key to success. The integration of listening, reading, speaking and writing has great potential for foreign language proficiency, provided that the communicative approach is implemented. The integrated teaching of English language skills is the optimal form of the educational process organisation at non-linguistic universities under conditions of insufficient hours allocated to this discipline.


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