The article deals with some peculiarities of the functioning of suffixation in the texts of international documents. According to the quantitative analysis of the functional peculiarities of the system of suffixation we come to the conclusion that productive suffixes make up 69% in the texts of international documents and are prevalent. It has been found out that there exists direct correspondence between the category of productivity and frequency of occurrence. The combinability of the suffixes with the stems of different parts of speech shows their tendency to combine with the stems of certain morphemic and/or derivational structure. It should be also mentioned that substantive stems demonstrate the highest combinability in the texts of international documents. According to the results of the analysis we come to the conclusion that neither morphological nor structural type of the stems influences the meaning of the suffix. It should be also mentioned that studying suffixation specificity in the texts of international documents plays an important role in the process of learning diplomatic terminology.
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