Unity and complexity of semantic structure: interrelations, levels, functioning





semantic structure, sense, semantic feature, connotation, term, concept


The semantic structure of a word-term core is investigated in the proposed study, the complex phenomenon of the semantic core invariance is analyzed as well as the role and characteristic features of its functioning. Multicomponent structure and hierarchy have been revealed as some main properties of the semantic core. Both explicit and implicit, integral, categorical and differential components have been studied in the semantic structure. For the current research the conceptual, in particular, extralingual, aspects of the polysemic word-term emergence and functioning and its denotations have been taken into account. The synthesis of diachronic and synchronic aspects of word functioning has been involved in the research process. Semantic components in the semantic core structural hierarchy feature a branched structure. This structure often combines several semantic complexes and has a conceptual dimension, with the extralingual component being a special one. The functioning of the semantic core is influenced by both the individual semantic components and the entire invariant model. Under this condition, this model is considered as an integrated semantic complex. The conceptual dimension of the research allows to observe and analyze one of the key properties of the semantic core-dynamism, which is inherent both to all levels of the invariant model and to the word-term lexeme structure. All above mentioned features create a deep basis for the potential of variability of relationships not only between separate semantic components, but also between different levels of the semantic core structure. In the process of research, we have observed that all extracted components and levels of the semantic core hierarchical structure of a word-term determine its functioning in different types of discourse, various styles, as well as in different terminological specialist semantic fields, domains and clusters. The study of the semantic core invariance phenomenon, the semantic components’ relationships and levels as well as conceptual unity creates opportunities for further deepening the understanding of the nature and mechanisms of many linguistic regularities and phenomena.


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