Semantic coordinate of English social network slang




English social network slang, slang, social network, semantic


The article deals with the issue of the semantic coordinate of English network slang. Quantitative data on the distribution of English social network slang by source of origin are provided. It has been proven that among the sources of the origin of English social network slang, selected and analyzed by us from the lexical units of the popular English-language microblogs of the Instagram and YouTube social networks dedicated to the «mukbang» trend in a total of 135 words, the main source of the origin of the studied slang units is colloquial speech – 87.4%. It was determined that most slang units appear in everyday communication due to the transformation of spoken units and their transfer into written language, with the aim of using them during online communication. The lexical units of selected microblogs of social networks Instagram and YouTube were analyzed and lexemes were singled out, which according to their meaning are grouped into certain lexical-semantic groups: images of people; images of places, objects or other phenomena; assessment and reaction to the situation; detection of emotions; love, flirting; action images; leisure; names of dishes and drinks. It was found that expanding or narrowing the meaning of a word is one of the most productive ways of forming slang from a semantic point of view, used by users of social networks (15.5%). Examples of such a means of replenishing the vocabulary of the language, as a result of which it acquires an expanded meaning due to the appearance of slang variants in it, are given. As in: cringe – to shudder in disgust. Instead, in the context of microblogs on the Instagram network, this word acquires a different meaning: «bad, low-quality content that causes a feeling of discomfort» (For example: «The absolute most cringe moment of the day»).


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