Neologism English vocabulary as an integral component of intercultural communication




neologism, English language, types of neologism formation, intercultural communication, trends, information and communication technologies


This scientific work analyzes the neologism vocabulary of the English language in the context of the development of intercultural communication, with the identification of new trends in their creation and dissemination. The authors consider the peculiarities of English neologisms functioning in the conditions of modern society development, for which it is extremely important to create new categories to denote and define previously unknown phenomena and realities. It has been established that mainly extralinguistic factors influence the formation of newly coined words. The most modern areas of neologisms of modern political events, processes of globalization, mobility, communication, computerization and informatization have been singled out. The authors focus their attention on the expansion and development of information and communication devices and technologies, the Internet, social networks, which are an integral part of intercultural communication, as well as a massive influence on the emergence of English buzz words. The word-formation of modern lexical units which arose under the influence of the coronavirus disease and the accelerated development of information and communication technologies is considered. Types of neologism formation are identified and analyzed, among which the most noticeable are affixes, word formation, conversion, reduction, there are also graphic abbreviations, acronyms, and phonological ways of creating neologisms. The authors conclude that precisely thanks to the continuous development of intercultural communication, expanding of communication boundaries, English neologisms are emerged, used and disseminated, and at the same time they are borrowed by other languages, that causes certain difficulties among translators, until these newly coined words become familiar and understandable.


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