Forms of representation of the concept of 'death' in Arabic media texts




concept, representation, death, media text, verbalizer, concept nomination, classification


Contemporary linguistic studies are increasingly taking on an anthropocentric direction, showing a growing interest in the connection between language and the mentality of a particular nation. As a result, research on linguistic concepts is becoming more widespread, as they are seen as multidimensional units of cognitive activity that combine language, consciousness, and culture. This article focuses on exploring the expressions of the concept of "death" in Arabic media texts. The topic is justified by the fact that informational messages and articles related to death have become an integral part of our information space. Thus, this research is relevant and promising from the perspective of linguistics and translation studies. The study aims to investigate the linguistic means of expressing the concept of "death" in Arabic media texts, and the methodology includes methods such as purposive sampling, definitional and componential analysis, etymological and contextual analysis. The research material consisted of Arabic-language articles from sources such as Deutsche Welle, Alhurra, Alarabiya, France24, Skynewsarabia, BBC Arabic, Aljazeera, and others from 2022 to 2024. The study describes the algorithm for researching concepts: analysis of lexical units, classification based on semantic and stylistic features, formation of the lexical-semantic field, identification of dominant lexical units, and formation of the concept core, highlighting peripheral components. The article identifies basic lexemes-representatives that reflect the core of the "death" concept in Arabic linguaculture, forms the lexical-semantic field of the concept, proposes a classification of 24 verbalizers consisting of 5 micro-fields, each formed on a semantic principle, and in one way or another (literal meaning, stylistic coloring, emotional load, metaphorical meaning, contextual verbalization) represents the concept.


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ت .موت . 8 AAوl مlmm. .m UU. RURLRL: L: h:h thtttpttpsp:ss/::///w// تr م-وa/r /( تд وатمа/звернення: 28.03.2024).

