Bilingualism and translation in the linguistic and translation aspect




bilingualism, foreign language training, translation, linguistic aspect of translation, translation aspect, students of university


The article makes the trial to solve the problem of bilingualism and translation in the linguistic and translation aspects. The essence of bilingualism and its classification are considered. Attention is paid to the classification of methods and strategies of translation in the conditions of bilingualism. In this work, semantic-centric, lexical-semantic, morpheme, syntactic and lexical approaches to the problems of bilingualism and translation are implemented. In the conditions of bilingualism, the comparison of two language systems is becoming more and more relevant, in particular, in the world of comparative typology. That is why the comparative method also becomes the foundation of the study of both languages in the conditions of bilingualism. Some scientists distinguish between essential (domestic) and artificial (educational) bilingualism. The first arises in childhood as a result of being in linguistic environment. The second, artificial, bilingualism – as a result of learning a foreign language for the purpose of its further use in self-realization. It is for this statement we carried out a structural, component, automatic analysis. And also we used a linguistic analysis of the translated text as a graphic representation of a part of reality in the conditions of bilingualism. We carried out general methods of linguistic analysis: analysis, synthesis; deduction, induction; scientific methods: observation, survey and cognitive methods. An analysis of the peculiarities of bilinguals and translators in the linguistic field is given. Difficulties in translating bilinguals are singled out. The potential of bilingualism as the functioning of two linguistic and cultural codes in the consciousness of an individual is determined, and the need to rethink its meaning in teaching foreign languages is indicated. Teachers of foreign languages should attach importance to proven methods of rational use of bilingualism in order to achieve educational goals in a specific audience and its cultural context. The crucial importance of translation in the process of understanding another language is emphasized.


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