The semantic “own – alien” opposition while categorizing the ethnic communities in modern English-speaking communicative space (based on Stoppard’s T. trilogy: “The Coast of Utopia”)




political discourse, semantics, pragmatics, communicative behavior, mentality, stereotype, subject of action


The conceptual analysis of semantics and functioning of ethnonymic lexicon helps us figure out components of the concept russia, construct its conceptual model and identify the ethnocultural peculiarities of the English-speaking linguistic picture of the world. The lexical system of the language highlights the subjective image of objective reality being interpreted by ethnic consciousness. In particular, attention has been paid to the studying of the communicative personality of “own” and “alien” ethnos that have their own specific peculiarities while actualizing at different levels and different types of communication, the dominant of which are motivational, cognitive, semantic and functional parameters; characteristics of national communicative peculiarities in the process intercultural exchange. The author examines the intercultural and social communicants’ interaction of “own” and “alien” ethnos that can be a manifestation of an adequate communicative behavior in the process of mutual understanding and the establishment of mutual relation; also an ability adequately to interpret and to take national diversity of communication partners. As a result the actual problem of different ethical group communication has been identified on the interdisciplinary level with an attraction of sociology, intercultural pragmatics, linguistics and other adjacent disciplines on the basis of the complex approach that permits to take a view of the cultural type, the structure of social relations, the main cultural values, accepted standards and norms of “own” and “alien” ethnos. It is postulated the idea that of the results of system analysis of valuable orientations of the British may identify the hierarchy of desirable qualities of the British nation as “own”, so the “alien” ethnic group. As a result it has been testified that the successful intercultural and social interaction is a manifestation of an adequate communicative behavior of “own” and “alien” in the process of mutual understanding and the establishment mutual relations between partners on communication.


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