
  • A. V. Markowska Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
  • О.О. Salamatina Mykolayiv National Agrarian University


Cultural content in foreign language teaching must be emphasized. Language and culture can not be researched today separately one from another, as they both are the cognitive instruments of reality cognition. Language is the reflection of consciousness and vital experience of people. Different people understand reality, the same phenomena and descriptions of different elements in life variously. When man appears in foreign cultural linguistic environment, he feels the so-called “cultural shock” through insufficient knowledge of national values and laws which are transmitted by means of other cultures and languages. In order to avoid all misunderstandings it is important to have knowledge of other cultures and to maintain cooperation between different cultures. Cooperation of cultures is the special type of direct relations and connections which are set between two or several cultures, and there are also influences and mutual changes which appear between relations during cooperation of cultures.


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