Practical terminology based on practical experience of translations of economic texts




theoretical terminology, practical terminology, practical experience of translation, lexicography, terminological usage, original, target language, translation dictionary, special vocabulary


The article is focused on the observation of practical experience of English-Ukrainian translation of economic literature. It reveals the role of translational experience in terminological enrichment of languages. The authors are concentrated on the questions put to the translators of scientific literature: what literature should and can be translated; how to reach maximal functional value of the target texts; should a translator maintain stylistic peculiarities of the original or transform them, etc. In the number of many vital problems of the practical experience of translation the article authors distinguish the terminological aspect of translation as the most important translation factor motivating their position by the fact that just the correct rendering of the key lexemes determines the correct comprehension of the information and formulates its functional and stylistic value. The terminological units in the analysis are used with the numerous terminological equivalents, which are known to fill much the English economic discourse. The lexicographical resources of Ukraine at the end of the previous century were insufficient to satisfy terminological demands of translators of scientific literature. This situation caused the preconditions for the terminological explosion in the Ukrainian terminography as well as for terminological division into traditional theoretic and practical ones. The latter is closely connected with practical experience of translation Analysis of some omissions and more dramatic translation mistakes in the current Ukrainian scientific translation works as well as critical positions of prominent translation studies researchers led the authors to the conclusion that in spite of functioning of some translation centers in Ukraine, they cannot substitute the unitary national coordinating organization on managing translation performers and practical terminologists. This scientifically practical association would be given the mission not only to criticize translation works but to support, advice and consult translators. On the other hand, it would be given the task to systemize the corpse of new terminological incomings, publish and popularize selections of practical recommendations on translating special texts in translation magazines, methodological recommendations, notebooks, etc.


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