On the question of the structure and the argumentative role of the periods in the work by T. Livy “History”





rhetoric, linguostylistic peculiarities, ancient Rome, Titus Livy, his work “History” (speeches of the work), syntactical stylistic resources of the speeches, period


Speeches of historical persons introduced into the work “Ab urbe condita” or in Ukrainian translation abridged to “History”, by Titus Livy, is a classic example of oratory art. The given article is devoted to the study of structural types of periods of the above-mentiond speeches and their stylistic analysis as a means of argumentation. The observation made testifies to the fact that functions of emotional and expressive resources of syntactical stylistics are very significant. As a result of the study, we have pointed out four structural period groups, the prevailing ones are those combinations where a group of subordinate clauses precedes the principal one and the principal clause is followed by a series of subordinate ones. Livy’s period language is pathetic and persuasive; it is, as a rule, accompanied by colon symmetry, repetition of conjunctions, gradation, antithesis and homeoteleuton of predicates. All the enumerated means, embedded in periodical structures, are meaningful, valid and persuasive. The research proves that periods of the analyzed speeches attract reader’s attention by their multinuclear construction, numerous repetitions of syntactical units of the same type in gradually ascending and intonationally rising pattern. They create an elevated tone, emphasize the significance of the utterance, its various expressive elements and emotional nuances. To sum up, long periods are one of the most characteristic features of Livy’s style and their skillful usage proves his mastery of the word. These syntactical stylistic resources contribute to the effective perception of the author’s purpose. The investigation of the argumentational role of periods enables us to better understand the message of the work and know “History” author’s ideostyle.


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