The role of metaphor in media communicative space during the COVID-19 pandemic (on the material of National Geographic)




metaphor, tourist advertising, Barcelona, tourist destination, National Geographic, pandemic, Covid-19


Metaphor, as a linguistic tool, plays a key role in shaping the media communicative space, especially in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. The role of metaphor in a journalistic text is revealed in its ability to transform complex information into an accessible and emotionally understandable form. In the media context, metaphors can also influence the formation of public opinion and perceptions. The use of metaphors in National Geographic media materials is a key aspect in shaping the perception and awareness of the global nature of the pandemic. The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that in the conditions of a pandemic it is difficult to ensure effective communication of scientific information, and metaphors play the role of an intermediary between complex scientific facts and the understanding of the general public. National Geographic, as a leading media resource, demonstrates that the use of metaphors in a pandemic context not only improves the quality of communication, but also contributes to the formation of a unified public response. This makes this topic important for research, as it not only describes a certain aspect of the media space, but also examines its influence on the formation of public opinion and actual behavior in the context of a global crisis. Studying the role of metaphor in the formation of the media communicative space in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic on the material of National Geographic allows us to make a number of important observations. First of all, it becomes clear that the use of metaphors in media materials is a necessary element aimed at increasing the accessibility and effectiveness of communication in the context of pandemic. National Geographic successfully combines a scientific approach and metaphorical language to convey complex concepts, making information understandable to a wide audience. The second key idea is that metaphors used in the context of a pandemic not only help to explain scientific facts, but also create an emotional connection with the audience. National Geographic uses metaphors that evoke empathy and responsibility, helping to build a shared sense of solidarity in the fight against the pandemic. In addition, it is important to note that the use of metaphors in media materials such as National Geographic is an effective means of influencing public opinion. Metaphors help prioritize and focus audience attention on key issues, stimulating discussion and active public participation.


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