Characteristic features of postmodernism in the poetry of Serhiy Zhadan




postmodernism, structural-semiotic analysis, irony, cultural trend, artistic world, sociocultural reflection


The presented research article is dedicated to a thorough analysis and exploration of the characteristic features of postmodernism in the poetry of the prominent Ukrainian poet, Serhiy Zhadan. The objective of the study is to comprehensively unfold Zhadan’s creative approach, identify his key thematic and stylistic features, and determine his contribution to the development of Ukrainian poetry within the context of postmodernist tendencies. The conducted analysis encompasses various aspects of Serhiy Zhadan’s creativity, starting from linguistic experimentalism and concluding with the delineation of genre boundaries. The study examines the influence of postmodernist concepts on Zhadan’s poetry, considering his individual approach to processing contemporary themes and his skill in utilizing irony, paradox, and other postmodernist techniques. Focusing on the linguistic flexibility of Zhadan’s poetry, the author traces how the poet experiments with different styles and themes, creating an artist distinguished by his unique artistic world. The exploration of structural and semantic aspects of Zhadan’s creativity deepens the understanding of how he not only adapts postmodernist tendencies but also transforms them, providing a unique poetic dimension to his works. Examining the role of the poet in introducing innovative ideas into literary discourse, the article reveals how Serhiy Zhadan’s creativity influences the development of postmodernist poetry in the Ukrainian context, unfolding new ideas and impressions within the literary environment. A crucial component of the analysis is the illumination of how Zhadan’s poetry impacts contemporary socio-cultural environments, responding to challenges and changes in society. The article concludes with remarks underscoring the significance of the poet’s creative contribution to the development of Ukrainian literature and his defining role in the contemporary poetic paradigm.


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