Features of the use of modern information and digital technologies for integrated teaching of the language of foreigners





digitalization, integrated learning, digital technologies, scientific style of speech, educational platform


The article is devoted to the analysis of the peculiarities of the use of modern information and digital technologies for the integrated teaching of the language of foreigners. The concept of «digitalization» of the educational process, which contributes to the development of cognitive interest of foreign students in their educational and professional activities, is defined. The theoretical aspects of the use of information technologies in education, mixed integrated learning are highlighted. The peculiarities of the use of digital technologies during the study of the course «Scientific speech style» by Bulgarian students of the 2nd year of the specialty 226 «Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy» are considered. The concept of «integrated language learning» is analyzed, which involves the use of various methods of teaching, teaching and training of a certain professional discipline in the Ukrainian language with integration into a digital communication environment on an optimal educational platform. The advantages of the Microsoft Teams online platform, which provides access to cloud storage, saving projects and documents, as well as the use of a OneNote class notebook for providing tasks for independent and collective work, are revealed. The article analyzes the conceptual model of integrated learning on the Microsoft Teams platform, which is based on modern information technologies. It is noted that the Foreign Citizens Training Center of ZSMPhU has developed a model of integrated training of foreigners, which is focused on active modernization of the educational process, improving its quality with the help of digital technologies. The use of the latest information and computer technologies is studied, in particular, the Kahoot platforms, Learning Apps, the Canva service, and the Forms program in Microsoft Teams. The use of various digital technologies in classes on the scientific style of speech helps foreigners to master the terminological vocabulary, grammatical and syntactic constructions, speech models and communication skills necessary for educational and professional communication in specialized disciplines.


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