The use of artificial intelligence in the development of communicative tasks in foreign language learning




artificial intelligence, education, foreign language, communicative tasks, ChatGPT, communicative simulator


The article is a study analyzing the peculiarities of using artificial intelligence in the process of developing communicative tasks for foreign language learning. In the modern world, there is a trend towards globalization and increasing use of English as the language of international communication. This leads to a growing demand for professionals who can communicate proficiently in a foreign language. This fact indicates that the development of education, particularly foreign language learning, should meet the demands of contemporary activities such as the effectiveness of teaching methodology and creativity, which can be satisfied with artificial intelligence programs. Today, the most widespread tool used by educators for teaching foreign languages utilizing the capabilities of artificial intelligence is a series of chatbots with generative artificial intelligence: Microsoft’s Copilot (developed in collaboration with OpenAI) and Google DeepMind’s Gemini, along with OpenAI’s ChatGPT being the most popular for language learning. The foreign language environment that can be created using ChatGPT in conjunction with the Google Chrome extension «Talk to me!» is crucial for the effective acquisition of language, especially regarding the speed of establishing associative language connections. Since communicative skills are most effectively acquired in communicative environments through spontaneous communication rather than through conscious learning of vocabulary and grammar. Within the framework of practical sessions, communicative tasks can be proposed to promote the development of the ability to argue one’s own opinion: «Planned Interview,» «For and Against,» «I’ll Persuade You,» «Situation-based Communication,» «Don’t Say 'No',» «Spontaneity of Action.» The responses of the chatbot in the role of a communicative simulator manifested as comprehensive, creative, with a sufficient level of lexical richness and grammatical accuracy, which contributes to the formation of automatism in language actions and reactions, the development of language sensitivity and intuitive mastery of speech, leading to increased interest of students in acquiring foreign language skills and abilities.


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