Key aspects of teacher-student interaction in ESP classes




interaction, ESP, teacher, student, communication skills, learning environment


The article considers the importance of interaction between teacher and student in ESP classes at higher education institutions. It is noted that classroom interaction helps to form language skills as well as contributes to the development of professional communication skills necessary for a successful career. Along with the knowledge transfer, it also embodies the creation of a learning environment that stimulates students' active participation and deepens their understanding of English as a tool for communication and cultural understanding. The author emphasizes the importance of adapting teaching methods and content to the needs of the modern world, which is actively changing, and of continuously improving the process of interaction between teacher and student. The article is aimed at studying and analyzing various aspects of this interaction in order to identify key factors and offer recommendations for improving the learning process. The study uses a comprehensive approach, including an analysis of scientific literature, observation of the learning process and the authors' pedagogical experience. Effective communication between teacher and student is defined as an important element of successful learning based on the principles of subject-subject interaction. In addition, the paper emphasizes the importance of the teacher's role in stimulating students' emotional and value-based attitudes towards language learning and notes the need for practical orientation of learning for effective language skills acquisition. The forms of interaction between the teacher and students are distinguished and disclosed in terms of forms and functions, taking into account the roles and goals they fulfill in the learning process. The paper also considers the role of the teacher in each form of interaction and emphasizes the importance of his or her active support and organization of the educational process to achieve maximum efficiency. Besides, the importance of creating a favorable learning environment for achieving productive interaction in foreign language classes is proved.


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