Learning French through sports as a cultural activity





French as a foreign language, cultural approach, Olympic Games, foreign language methodology


Sport is a significant component of the culture of any society, interacting with related areas (economic, social, political, personal, etc.) And the study of a foreign language from the standpoint of modern methodology is impossible without studying the culture of the country. When studying the topic of sports activities, we are based on a cultural approach that considers language as an integral part of culture and a way of human communication. Features of the cultural approach include the integration of language, cultural integration into learning, using authentic materials for language learning, the development of intercultural competence, and the active role of the student. The article discusses several aspects related to sport, in particular, the Olympic Games 2024, demonstrates the variety of methodological tools and tools used in the aspect of the cultural approach in the study of French as a foreign language. Several blocks are distinguished and analyzed – the history of the Olympic Games, the 2024 Olympic Games, the promotion of the French language, the role of the French media. Students model the roles of translators, athletes, journalists, organize debates, round tables, create different projects, make blogs, take interviews and conduct imaginary surveys among the local population. The cultural approach in teaching a foreign (French) language, even when studying a separate topic, covers various spheres of social life and promotes the full assimilation and use of language as a mean of communication.


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