Managing the learning and cognitive activity of future specialists in foreign language communication




foreign language, foreign language communication, management of the educational and cognitive activity, approaches to the management of the educational and cognitive activity, information and content component of management of the educational and cognitive activity, future specialists


Formation of a culture of foreign language communication in future specialists involves mastering professional and cultural aspects of communication, which in turn covers communication attitudes (or the need-motivational sphere), knowledge of techniques, mechanisms, forms and methods of foreign language communication and the ability to apply knowledge in a specific situation, taking into account the specifics of the subject area. Management of students' learning and cognitive activity in the process of teaching a foreign language according to the adaptive teaching scheme is a complex process, but it is very effective and covers three cycles: informational, preparatory and communicative. Each of these cycles includes information input, processing, and control of results. The components of information and content component of managing the learning and cognitive activity of students of foreign language communication provide future specialists with many opportunities for self-study, improving their foreign language proficiency and developing intercultural communication skills. Management of a student's learning and cognitive activity in the process of learning a foreign language is a set of measures and strategies aimed at organizing and controlling the learning process to achieve maximum results in mastering a foreign language. This approach includes several factors (planning, self-monitoring, motivation, variety of methods, active participation, constant feedback, and use of resources) that contribute to effective and systematic learning. Effective management of students' learning and cognitive activities, which is also ensured by the organization of students' independent work in the field of foreign language communication, is key to ensuring that future professionals have the opportunity to be experienced and confident language users in today's globalized world.


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